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First Priority Occupational Therapy Services

Our First Priority Occupational Therapy team is here to support the facilitation of your child's independence, confidence, and skill development while emphasizing a holistic and team approach!

Through fun, targeted, and individualized activities, OT can address:

  • Fine and gross motor skills, strength, and dexterity

  • Pre-handwriting and handwriting

  • Bilateral coordination and upper extremity strength

  • Visual skills (perceptual and motor)

  • Emotional and self-regulation

  • Sensory processing integration

  • Age-appropriate play skills

  • Social skills

  • Self-help skills (to include feeding and toileting)

  • Interventions and strategies to increase focus, attention, and transitions


The Role of OT in Sensory Processing

Did you know that we actually have EIGHT sensory systems and not just five? Beyond our visual (sight), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), auditory (hearing), and tactile (touch) sensory systems, we have our proprioceptive, vestibular, and interception systems. These three sensory systems play a vital role in self-regulation, body awareness, and how we interact with our environment and others. Interested in learning more about how First Priority Occupational Therapy emphasizes sensory processing in the role in child development? We would love to share more!

What Makes First Priority Occupational Therapists Different

Our team at First Priority Occupational Therapy:

  • Supports the whole child

  • Uses a collaborative approach with teachers, families, and caregivers

  • Highlights a child's strengths to build awareness and skills in other areas

  • Provides meaningful therapeutic interventions and activities in natural environments

  • Celebrates student victories, both big and small, because we are proud of the students we support everyday


Let's Connect!
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